Friday, September 18, 2009

Jordan vs Russell?

After Michael Jordan's Hall of fame induction speech. There was all kinds of talk about Jordan an Bryon Russell. Now a game might actually be in the works between Bryon Russell and Michael Jordan. Russell responded to MJ's controversial Hall of Fame speech by saying he would play the greatest player of all time any time he wants. According to a Twitter profile that looks like it's legitimately Russell. I personally could care less, i mean Jordan is going to embarrass Russell. Russell couldn't handel jordan then no way he can now. But if i were Russell i would take advantage of this to. I mean the houndreds of thousands of dollars that will be made. kudos to you Russell! It's just a bad idea really. This is exactly why the NBA started doing the Rookie Game instead of the Legends Games in the 90's. Much like pornstars, once basketball players hit their late 30's there is an inevitably fast and unattractive decline in skills... Anyone else care to agree or disagree?

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