Wednesday, October 28, 2009

What has Facebook become?

Facebook, is it useful or just plain useless? Well I remember when I was younger an AOL's instant messaging was big, and everyone had to have a cool profile! I don't know what else there was sense then other then Myspace. Know its Facebooks turn, all serving the same purpose really, keeping in touch with friends, family, and making new friends. Basically is one big blog of your self, just with dozens of extra bells, and Wiesel's. I think it is a good idea in general, being able to keep in touch with old friends from high school, and the military, although it helps keep in touch with your current friends as well, these are mainly my uses for Facebook.
It seems as Facebook grows the amount of junk, and stupid games continue to grow. The more friends you have the more junk you will continuously see on your home page. I could care less that Joe Blow got a new gun for Mafia Wars, or Susie Que received a pig in Farm Ville. Its starting to loose its purpose of the main idea it started with. I don't know if there is someone making money off of the games and junk items that Facebook has going around or what, but it seems like a was off time to me. Keep the games on a gaming site. But then again the whole idea is that you can see what all of your friends are doing or what there up to. I guess you could say that's just as much of a waste of time.
I just see the whole point of Facebook demolishing. Keep it simple, no games, no junk, no viruses, which I have received through Facebook as well. I think it comes from people having way to much time on there hand. Nothing can ever be good enough, with technology growing everyday there is always going to be something new. So what do you do? Just deal with it I guess. Or stop using it all at once. Myself personal, ill continue to play the facebook game and see were it goes and what comes next. I see it as a good idea turned sour.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

MLB records and useless information

This year has been another exciting year in the major leagues. Records have been made, and some surpassed. It seems like every year there are new records being pasted. The amount of stats that are keep in this day and age is ridicules. There are stats for anything and everything possible. Averages on home runs, hitting averages, not just in general, but as fear as in what kind of conditions there in, such as rain, time, temperature and so on. It almost seems like there is an abundance of useless information here.

I mean I'm guilty myself, soaking in all of the information on a daily bases. It just amazes me on the stats that are keep up to date, in all sports. Allot of records are very popular and important though. I have been to a Phillie's game were Cole Hamel's pitched all 9 inning an had a shut out, withs is pretty awesome for baseball. I was glad to be able to have seen something in person like this. Being a big Phillie's fan this is one of my top memories, along with tailgating in Philly for game 4 of the 2008 world series. This year i was lucky enough to go to New York City for September 11th, and visit ground zero. That night we went to a Yankees game, an it just happen that the tickets we bought 5 months prior ended up being the game that Derek Jeter broke Lou Gehrig's all time Yankees hit record. This was a extremely historic record i was lucky enough to see.

So what I'm getting to is were do you draw the line between important record, and us less information people waste there time on keeping track off. I guess someone out there cares about it if its important enough to record it some were. I just think its a wast of time, and even money because someone somewhere is getting paid for a job such as recording this records.

Friday, October 9, 2009

SItting at the bar the other day!

Alright so just the other day i was sitting at the bar after a long 12 hour shift. Watching espn with one of my co-workers, just tyring to wind down. Well there were a few other guys at the other end of the bar that i over heard talking about some of the changes that were going on at there place of employment. I ended up talking to them for awhile. There company started cutting shifts, Putting freezes on any kind of rises, and freezing any opportunity for advancement, just to name a few. Well they were having problems with employees not doing there jobs right. Doing things half assed pretty much has what he was getting to. There is no incentive for these guys to work.

I know exactly what there talking about, because my place of employment has taken some of the same precautions this past year. Put a freeze on any raises, stopped matching the 401k you invest in, massive layoffs. Even talking about getting a new piece of machinery that will do 2 times as much work, there for cutting half of the jobs that would of been needed before. Some how with my experience one more then a few of the machines I have managed to survive. The way people are getting is ridicules. Because they just rather do a shity job then do it to standard, there are no morals. I mean I'm not happy about it either at all, but you have to do what you need to get by. There are so many people on unemployment its sad. Dozens of them would be glad to do the job and feed there family.

I consider myself lucky to be able to take advantage of the GI Bill and veterans affairs entitlements. Because allot of industries are struggling right now. just to make profit or stay above ground. I don't know what has to be done but there needs to be more focuses creating jobs and employment. We need to work out the problems in our own county with unemployment before we start helping other countries.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Playing poker for a living!!

So last week my blog was about legalizing table games in Pennsylvania. This week I want to go into another aspect of gambling. Playing poker for a living, an the lifestyle behind it. I have seen the world series of poker on tv and dreamed of playing in it. I have also watched poker tv shows and movies, such as the shows “Poker After Dark”, and “High Stakes Poker”, or the movies “Rounders”, and “Maverick”. I knew that Texas Holdem is one of the fastest growing card games around; some would even call it a sport. Some people make a living from playing poker, and can make hundreds of thousands of dollars doing so.

I always viewed it as a rich and glorious lifestyle, and in a way it can be. Playing poker for a living looks exciting and glamorous, and seems like a dream job. With the fame and fortune that goes along with winning televised poker tournaments it can lead to a rich and joyful lifestyle. There is no security, or set amount of money, or income you will earn though. You win what you win, and loose what you loose. So to live off of simple playing poker, you need to win enough to pay all of your expenses.

I have won a thousand dollars once at a casino, and have friends that won more than that. But I have also lost, and seen many people loose. If you chose to make your living playing poker, you will tend to spend less time with your family. You need to treat it as a job. It is a great lifestyle if you are a winning player. Most people cannot handle the swings that are unavoidable in full-time play. You must be a very disciplined and successful poker player to play for a living. Its not the most promising career, but if you play your cards right i could be.