Wednesday, October 28, 2009

What has Facebook become?

Facebook, is it useful or just plain useless? Well I remember when I was younger an AOL's instant messaging was big, and everyone had to have a cool profile! I don't know what else there was sense then other then Myspace. Know its Facebooks turn, all serving the same purpose really, keeping in touch with friends, family, and making new friends. Basically is one big blog of your self, just with dozens of extra bells, and Wiesel's. I think it is a good idea in general, being able to keep in touch with old friends from high school, and the military, although it helps keep in touch with your current friends as well, these are mainly my uses for Facebook.
It seems as Facebook grows the amount of junk, and stupid games continue to grow. The more friends you have the more junk you will continuously see on your home page. I could care less that Joe Blow got a new gun for Mafia Wars, or Susie Que received a pig in Farm Ville. Its starting to loose its purpose of the main idea it started with. I don't know if there is someone making money off of the games and junk items that Facebook has going around or what, but it seems like a was off time to me. Keep the games on a gaming site. But then again the whole idea is that you can see what all of your friends are doing or what there up to. I guess you could say that's just as much of a waste of time.
I just see the whole point of Facebook demolishing. Keep it simple, no games, no junk, no viruses, which I have received through Facebook as well. I think it comes from people having way to much time on there hand. Nothing can ever be good enough, with technology growing everyday there is always going to be something new. So what do you do? Just deal with it I guess. Or stop using it all at once. Myself personal, ill continue to play the facebook game and see were it goes and what comes next. I see it as a good idea turned sour.


  1. I agree with you, first it was aol, then it was myspace, and now it is facebook's turn. Myspace and facebook I think are the same thing, thats why I personaly keep to my myspace account and do not have a facebook account (yet) I rarely have time to check on my myspace account. I think its a great way to keep in touch with old friends especially how fast everyone's life has gotten now a days, so I don't know if i would call it useless just yet.Something that I think is funny though, everyone just assumes that everyone has a facebook account (maybe everyone does and I'm just a loser) butI found out from a friend that we are having a class reunion next mounth and the way that they are informing everyone is by facebook. I would not have known, the only announcments are on facebook is that crazy or what!what every happend to an invitation in the mail,thats like me inviting everyone to my wedding by facebook! Ha Ha

  2. I'm not so much against the whole internet revolution going on as I am the whole blogging and tweeting and what not going on. For one thing, getting on here to do these blogs is enough internet for me for one day. I love my laptop, but the internet has become nothing but ads and nonsense. I don't understand what is so great about myspace or facebook. I had a myspace account, and deemed it as stupid. I could hang out online with my friends, who lived 3 houses up, myspacing with them and what not, or I could just walk over to their house and see what they are up to. As far as twitter goes, I can't stand hearing about it, I can't stand seeing anything about it, and I can honestly say I have never been on the website. I don't think anyone needs to know what you are doing every second of every day. But if that's how you make yourself feel good, by pretending that people will care what you are doing all day every day, then go for it! Hey good for you! Or, you could get up, goto the mall or get a job, and establish yourself in today's society. I think it's all useless.
