Friday, October 9, 2009

SItting at the bar the other day!

Alright so just the other day i was sitting at the bar after a long 12 hour shift. Watching espn with one of my co-workers, just tyring to wind down. Well there were a few other guys at the other end of the bar that i over heard talking about some of the changes that were going on at there place of employment. I ended up talking to them for awhile. There company started cutting shifts, Putting freezes on any kind of rises, and freezing any opportunity for advancement, just to name a few. Well they were having problems with employees not doing there jobs right. Doing things half assed pretty much has what he was getting to. There is no incentive for these guys to work.

I know exactly what there talking about, because my place of employment has taken some of the same precautions this past year. Put a freeze on any raises, stopped matching the 401k you invest in, massive layoffs. Even talking about getting a new piece of machinery that will do 2 times as much work, there for cutting half of the jobs that would of been needed before. Some how with my experience one more then a few of the machines I have managed to survive. The way people are getting is ridicules. Because they just rather do a shity job then do it to standard, there are no morals. I mean I'm not happy about it either at all, but you have to do what you need to get by. There are so many people on unemployment its sad. Dozens of them would be glad to do the job and feed there family.

I consider myself lucky to be able to take advantage of the GI Bill and veterans affairs entitlements. Because allot of industries are struggling right now. just to make profit or stay above ground. I don't know what has to be done but there needs to be more focuses creating jobs and employment. We need to work out the problems in our own county with unemployment before we start helping other countries.

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